
Learners use the feedback that they have gained from the producer, client or focus group to inform the development of one of their proposed ideas. They produce a competent production plan containing: a) dates and timescales, including product launch date b) resources and equipment c) personnel and activities d) budget e) relevant legal and ethical issues

A) Dates and Timescales
Day to Day Planner

Detailed Planner and Contingency

Release Schedule

B) Resources and Equipment
Location Planner
Location Recce

C) Personnel and Activities

D) Budget
This is the rough estimate for the budget although we won't need to pay this amount as we both own the cameras we will be using and can rent the other equipment from the college for free.

E) Relevant Legal and Ethical Issues


Questionnaire Feedback Screenshots

After receiving the feedback from my presentation, here is my evaluation of the revisions I will make to my idea:

The subject of the documentary, George Agnew, will become a deeper focus in each theme and act instead of looking at a more general overview within the industry of the whole. This will give the documentary a more personal feel and allow a connection between George and the audience that will help to enhance their experience of the documentary. I will write a script of questions to ask and prompt George in order to get a clearer idea of the tone and content within the documentary as well as to set a more direct structure. Furthermore, during filming, I will make sure that George looks at the interviewer instead of the camera.

After receiving feedback on my pre-production, the revision I have made is to add in a script and, set design and storyboard, which you can see below.


The script identifies the direct structure of the documentary and the kind of topics that will be discussed in each section. B-roll and archive footage will be used to transition between scenes and topics. There will also be a sort of reenactment from George of him fulfilling his job as a projectionist alongside the interview to add a sense of authenticity.


Set Design
